Why hurt the waist and back of the sides – give pain in the lower part

The pain in the sides and the lower back is a phenomenon that can have dozens of reasons, from diseases of the locomotor apparatus, to disorders of the work of the organs of the abdominal cavity, and various of the urinary system.

To accurately diagnose the pathology that is causing the discomfort later in the area of the vanes, it is necessary first to determine the nature and characteristics of the unpleasant sensations. Which means the pain is felt at the same time two parts in the lower part of the back and the sides, or what such a state pose a serious health risk?

The causes of the pathology

The pain that is felt at the same time on the side at the level of the lumbar spine and in several places, in medicine, is called apparent – the mechanism of its development consists in the irritation of the various branches of the nerve.

For this reason, the pain of the bottom of the irradiation in other places, in some cases, indicates that the symptoms are so blurred that even the patient is not able to determine exactly its origin.


In the projection of the back and sides are the different organs is less than department lumbar spine, kidneys, organs of the abdominal cavity, the reproductive organs in women, therefore, for an accurate diagnosis of the syndrome painful on the sides and the lower back should consult a doctor.

Discomfort in the lower back and sides can appear in healthy people due to hypothermia or excessive exercise, but in this case, are temporary and disappear after a rest.

Types of

The nature of the pain syndrome plays an important role in the determination of their causes – each of the disorders has clinical characteristics of the current that must be taken into account in the diagnosis.

  • The acute pain is common for states to require early conversion to the doctor, and sometimes of immediate medical attention. She demonstrates severe pathological processes in the internal organs or structures of the spine – these may include tests for hepatic and renal colic, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the kidneys and the reproductive system in phase of exacerbation, hernias of the spine, neuralgia.
  • The discomfort appears when chronic pathologies, in the majority of the diseases of the spine – osteochondrosis, protrusion, scoliosis, etc, especially if it occurs after a long stay in one position or physical exercise.
  • The syndrome of pain is a common symptom of the disease, the reproductive and the urinary system in women, as well as violations of the liver.
  • In addition, it is frequently observed in pregnant patients in the second-third trimester due to the pressure of the growing fetus.
  • Dull, aching pain may indicate infectious or inflammatory processes in the gallbladder and kidneys, sometimes on the diseases of lumbar and part of sacral spine.
  • Acute pain attacks are observed at radiculitis, protrusion, and hernia of the intervertebral discs, as well as kidney stones and liver colic, spasms in the intestine and other organs.
  • The discomfort that you feel constantly, often demonstrates inflammatory and infectious diseases of the bladder, the kidneys and the reproductive system, can also be felt during the pregnancy.
  • Herpes zoster pain syndrome, as a general rule, acts as a symptom of the acute pancreatitis and other diseases of the digestive tract, various of the urinary system, gynecological diseases: intense pain in these cases we speak of a current of disease, the weakness – of chronic form.

The nature of pain is a subjective notion, therefore, determine the cause of the disease solely on this indicator, you can not – you must take into account the additional symptoms and other factors.

Why is given in the left and right parts

Diseases of the spine

Degenerative processes, injuries, and other pathologies of the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, or near structures (nerves, muscles) – common causes of the unpleasant sensations on the sides.

Often, in this case, suffers from lumbar or kresttsoviy department of the spine, the less pain you can pass under a damage of breastfeeding and of the division.

The displacement of the vertebrates of the disks

Spondylolisthesis is a displacement of the vertebral body on another with a deviation of the axis of the spine. In people this condition is often called the "displacement of intervertebral discs", but this formulation is wrong, since that can be moved exclusively in the vertebrae.

The pathology develops for different reasons (injuries, changes of age, incorrect loading, etc) and leads to irritation of the nerve fibres, or total of its violation, which causes swelling, inflammation, or severe pain in the back.

The osteochondrosis

Degenerative changes in the spine, or osteochondrosis, is often seen in people of the third age.

Due to the exposure to the negative factors of the processes of nutrition of the cartilage of the spine are altered, so that they lose their elasticity and capacity for regeneration.


The main symptoms of degenerative disc disease – limitation of the mobility of the spine and the fiery, plaintive laments or throbbing pain in the back, in particular, in the lower part of the back and the sides.

In the manifestation of the symptoms make sure to apply a visit to the doctor.

Fractures of the vertebrae

The fracture of the vertebrae is a serious injury of the locomotor apparatus, which requires a long and comprehensive treatment. The violation of the integrity of the bone that is caused by exposure (blow, fall, etc), and is manifested in the first place armbar syndrome.

Their characteristics depend on the degree and location of damage, but more often the syndrome of severe pain, herpes zoster (the nature, accompanied by neurological disorders (disorders of sensation in the extremities, headaches, etc


Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine, which causes an imbalance in the form of the violation of work of the internal organs.

In the early stages of the disease is manifested by discomfort and pain tolerance of the syndrome in the different departments of the back (when defeats lumbar they are located on the sides and the lower part of the back), fatigue, and problems of mobility of the spine, when running patalgico the process may have problems with urination and defecation.

Ankylosing spondylarthrosis

Ankylosing spondylarthrosis (illness behtereva) is a fairly rare pathology of the locomotor apparatus, affecting among vertebrates, the shoulders and the hips.

In the number of its symptoms include pain in the back and the sides, which increase muscle tension and the change of climate, the curvature of the spine, the peresias and paralysis. The disease is incurable, progressing slowly but steadily, and usually leads to disability.

Coccígeo hernia

Coccígeo hernia occurs less of a hernia in other departments of the spine, as well as the vertebrae sacrum of the division stronger and more durable.

Develops due to a combination of factors, including degenerative diseases of the locomotor system, the infection and inflammation of the internal organs of the injury.

With this hernia patient feels strong pains in the area of the rump and lower back, which occur in the mouth and crotch, intensifying in the sitting position and not taking medications for pain medications.


This hernia is more often suffered by women, as well as the most common factor that causes the disease acting a complicated delivery.

Diseases of the internal organs

Fighting the feeling in the lower part of the back and the sides of the pathology of the internal organs are called secondary. Unlike the symptoms of diseases of the locomotor apparatus, which are not associated with the movement or change of position of the body, and accompanied by disorders of work of other systems of the body.

The disease of urinary tract

The disease of urinary tract, which can cause pain in the sides, which include inflammatory and infectious processes in the bladder, formation of stones, obstruction of the ureters.

Depending on the clinical course of the pathology, the symptoms can be acute, having a different intensity, and is often accompanied by disorders of urination, increased temperature, general weakness.

The disease of the kidneys

Characteristics of the pain in the flanks when the kidney disease is that they are located a bit more above the waist, often have ringworm of the nature and give in the lower part of the belly, the navel area, and in the groin. Some diseases of the kidneys (polycystic disease, malignant tumors, pyelonephritis) that develop slowly, so that they are not accompanied by a strong pain and in the kidney disease pain and ureteral obstruction, the pain is so intense, that sometimes causes the shock painful.

Cirrhosis of the liver

Liver cirrhosis is a serious disease that is characterized by death of tissues of the authority and the replacement of their fibrotic fiber, and often leads to death. In a pathological process may indicate pain in the lumbar area, it may be ringworm of the nature, but most often it is located on the right side of the user, the bitterness in the mouth (manifested in the hours of the morning), newspapers, disorders of defecation, and weight loss.

Pathologies of the small intestine

The violation of functioning of the intestine, gallbladder, pancreas, and other organs of digestion manifest discomfort of a slow nature in the abdomen, the back and the sides, but at the time of the exacerbation of acute diseases are possible and acute pain.

As a general rule, are clearly related to the intake of food (produced in the stomach, after a meal or consumption of certain products), accompanied by the inflammation of the abdomen, increase of gas.

Characteristics of women

Women have pain in the sides are observed with greater frequency than men, due to the anatomy of the woman. In the abdominal cavity of the weaker sex are the reproductive organs, which often cause discomfort in the pelvis, and the genital infections and the inflammation they develop with greater frequency than men.

Diseases female

The pain in the sides – it is not uncommon for women when the hormonal change, birth defects, violations (for example, the rejection or the curve of the uterus).

Other causes of permanent painful sensations – genital infections, fibroids, adneksit, endometriosis, and other inflammatory processes.

For more of the above-mentioned symptoms of diseases – disorders of the menstrual cycle, infertility, the deterioration of their well-being.


In many women the pain in the sides is the norm during menstruation – in this case it has the nature of pain, it is easy to remove the receipt of the antispasmodics and it is not accompanied by additional symptoms.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, the discomfort in the sides and the lower back usually occurs after the first trimester, when the growing fetus starts to put pressure on the spine and the internal organs.

In the first few weeks of the gestation of a child this symptom can be a symptom of hormonal changes in the body, weakness of the ligaments and muscles, and also begins the abortion – in this case, the pains are severe, accompanied by bleeding or separations bloody vagina, the weakness and the deterioration of the general state.

After delivery

Pain in the lower part of the abdomen, sides and lower back feel all women without exception, are part of processes of restoration of the reproductive system. Immediately after a vaginal delivery can be quite strong, but in a few days, gradually subside, and over a period of two to four weeks to disappear completely.

Features of the men

The representatives of the male sex causes shooting pains that occur in the mouth, the lower part of the belly, groin and legs, as a general rule, are made of the hyperplasia of prostate, prostatitis, cystitis and other bladder infections. Among other manifestations, it can be pointed out the difficulty in the urine, sexual dysfunction, and impotence, sexually transmitted diseases, are noticed to purulent from the urethra.

When genital infections in men treatment should be passed to the two partners, even in cases in which the symptoms of the disease in women who are missing.

Methods of treatment

Self-treat with frequent pains in the sides categorically is not recommended, especially if they are accompanied by manifestations extra – all the activities can be spread onto the box of the disease, restrictive diagnosis, or worsen the patient's condition.


Therapeutic exercise is one of the methods to fix the problems in the pathologies of the locomotor apparatus, and menstrual cramps. The exercise should be performed with care, loosening the muscles too much, avoiding sudden movements and strengthen the pain syndrome.

During the pregnancy, and diseases of good effect give breathing exercises and yoga, but before classes should consult with their physician and take into account the contra-indications that there are. In addition, you can do a light massage with circular movements, or just a walk in the open air.


Physiotherapy methods are applied only after the acute period of which is necessarily accompanied by an intense inflammatory and disease process, the increase of the temperature and other symptoms, is left behind.

As the procedures of treatment of the sick it is recommended that the electrophoresis with different medications (pain relievers, improve nutrition and regeneration of tissues), uhf, magnetotherapy, electrostimulation, clay, wax, and ozokeritovye applications. Specific of the technique of exposure and the duration of the course, which is determined by the doctor depending on the characteristics of each clinical course of the disease and the general condition of the patient.

Pain in the lower back and sides can have a different intensity and character, but in the majority of cases are a distressing symptom that requires a timely diagnosis and treatment.